Warriors of Light
an immersive training and initiation in Inca Shamanism
The Warriors of Light Training offers an in depth training in the workings of Inca Shamanism, as handed from Alberto Villoldo and the Qero Shamans to your course leads Esther and Debbie. The Qero Shamans still teach this ancient medicine in the Andean Mountains of Peru, where its practice has continued untouched throughout the centuries.
The training is structured in 4 modules or ‘Paths’, with continuous contact as the course unfolds, case studies and self work/ practice as we go.
Each Path is booked individually, meaning Shamans can progress at their own rate. Shamans seeking certification should complete all 4 paths in no longer than a two year period in order to meet the course requirements.
Shamans are advised to continue travelling around the course and medicine wheel. If you are booking a second journey around the medicine wheel different pricing applies - please speak to your course elder for detail
Working with energy medicine offers a balance between science and spirit, mind and soul, feeling the connection, or sensing. Through this course we hope to refine and tap into deeper channels giving you the potential to work within yourself and your own healing and others.
A Shaman, aims to restore harmony, within, and without.. also to their communities and to the natural and spiritual worlds around them. Each person has their own journey, within that we have perceptions that can be engrained within our DNA, but never quite feel aligned.
Firstly this can begin with self healing, we can dip into the vortex where science and energy medicine dance. Learning about the essence of an earth keeper, living with integrity towards yourself, and develop a healing ability that you can call upon for your own balance, your family and those close to you.
Warriors of Light courses we hope to illuminate an energy within;
Create the life of balance, live in what we call Ayni, and beginning the journey an Earth Keeper and Shaman Healer.
Course Curriculum
Path 1; The South Wind and Path of the Serpent
Path 1 opens this journey of powerful self healing with an exploration of the archetypal serpent Sachamamma. The great serpent is a symbol of transformation and in this exploration
As you begin your journey into the path of the Shaman we will begin with tuning into your luminous energy field, and what it is to become an earth keeper, honouring the Munay Ki Rites. Expect to begin the process of shedding, holding and protecting space, understanding the three worlds and soul travel to work in harmony with the archetypes/directions
All attendees will receive the first of the Munay Ki rites
Shaman Guide; Debbie
Contribution; 25 hours Friday pm - Sunday weekend immersion, expect energy shifting yoga practice, energy healing practicals, sharing circle and fire ceremony.
Self Practice/ Follow up; case studies & fire ceremony work.
Path 2; The West Wind and Path of the Jaguar
Dreaming Your World Into Being
Delving into the medicine of the West, walking with the archetype of Jaguar. Continuing your journey within, healing your relationship with the past and the future. Dreaming your world into being, and working with mythology.
Blending your Shaman water.
All attendees will receive the next set of the Munay Ki rites
Shaman Guide; Esther & Debbie
Contribution; A weekend immersion, Saturday & Sunday, expect energy shifting yoga practice, energy healing practicals, sharing circle and fire ceremony.
Self Practice/ Follow up; case studies & despacho work
Path 3; The North Wind and Path of the Hummingbird
The Way of the Mythic Hummingbird, sacred art of dreaming, shapeshifting and perception.
Understanding momentum tunnel, and shapeshifting with archetypes and constellation.
Munay Ki rites & Fire Ceremony
Shaman Guide; Esther & Debbie
Contribution; 40 hours; 5 day residential immersion expect energy shifting yoga practice, energy healing practicals, crafting dream catchers, exploration in nature, sharing circle and ceremony.
Self Practice/ Follow up; case studies & calling in
Cost £variable, pricing varies with location, check upcoming dates for more info (payment plans available please see booking page for options)
Path 4; The East Wind and Path of the Eagle/Condor
Eagle Medicine, Runes and Rites
Apucino, Eagle Condor takes us on our final path completing the first journey around the medicine wheel, connecting with great spirit, and energy of the Pachamama. Growing a new body.
On this path you will travel to a sacred land, with ancient energy to tap into, honouring linage and those who have came before us. Alongside treks/walks immersing into nature, you will be Tapping into Runic symbols, tarot and myth. Learning about Proxy healing and working with Hanapacha.
You will complete your final Munay Ki Rites and become a certified Shaman on completion of all 4 paths.
Shaman Guide; Esther & Debbie
Contribution; 65 hours; minimum 8 day residential immersion expect energy shifting yoga practice, energy healing practicals, exploration in nature, mythology share and ceremony
Cost £variable, pricing varies with location, check upcoming dates for more info (payment plans available please see booking page for options)
Entry Requirements
Committed to self healing, this is a true sense of getting to know yourself from within, acceptance and a shift in perspective often is the outcome. Discover your deeper abilities, and become the person you’re being called to be.
We are here to support you through this process, to share, expand and enrich.
Basic knowledge of yoga is preferable.
Request a call back
Catch ups, Courseworks and Completion
Each path will come with a set of related home works that range from self and group practice to completing a series of case studies for submission and marking.
In order to graduate, individuals must complete all 4 paths, and their respective courseworks. This totals 155 hours of teaching across Paths 1 - 4, approximately another 20 hours of contact calls and check ins throughout the course, plus an estimated 25hours for case studies and coursework which constitutes a 200 hour Shaman Medicine Wheel Teaching.
Catch Ups
For individuals looking to complete the training that are unable to attend all the list course dates, it may be possible to arrange ‘catch ups’ on either a one - one, or small group basis with either the course lead, or senior graduates. If you are interested, please use the button below to get in touch.
Lineage & Teachers
q’ero Tribe
Alberto Villoldo
Esther Lim
Deborah Seth-Jackson (Newcastle Ayu)
Your Journey of the Paths
As you progress around the Medicine Wheel you acquire different levels of qualification and responsibility.
1st completion of the four paths you are certified with the title Senior Shaman, are given your Shaman name, and are qualified to hold space with ceremony, lead cacao and offer healings with soul retrieval.
If you choose to continue your studies you step into the Inner Wheel and alongside the studies, are invited to support aspects of the teaching and mentoring to more deeply embody the paths.
With the 2nd completion of the four paths you are certified as a Senior 2 Shaman, and are qualified to carry out spirit cleansing, huaca building, death rites & extractions.
With the 3rd Wheel you are certified as Inca Shaman and are awarded the title of ‘Inca’, you are qualified to lead plant medicine ceremonies and offer blessings.
With the 4th Wheel you are certified as an Inca Elder, and hold authority with powwow & council, you are qualified to offer the causay pacha prayer, offer univeral intentions and offer proxy work. You can begin to teach the four paths aswell as deepening into botanical medicines.
With the 5th Wheel you are certified as Q’ero Master